Loic LeMeur (founder and CEO of Seesmic.com) has:
- 34 predictions about the future of twitter -
- It will reach masses of people
- They won’t use the same tools as we do
- It will not be only about Twitter
-status updates will be open across social software
-all social software will have status updates
-Facebook has 40+ million updates a day - Twitter will still be dominant in status updates
it’s the motherboard on which we plug in - We will laugh thinking we were updating them all manually
- The social graph will also open up
- Twitter will be big to get an idea of a person or a brand reputation
not by number of followers but mostly influence with retweeting and lists
lets you think like that person thinks
- Twitter will replace SMS for millions of people
-it is portable and archives across devices
-you don’t need to remember a phone number
-you are not tied to a mobile operator - Twitter might replace Chat for many people, too
-a DM exchange is very similar to a private chat
-Twitter lists are very similar to a public chat room - Location will be one of the most widespread status update
- Private updates will be bigger than public updates
(my kids say…) - Public ecommerce status updates won’t work
buying things is very intimate - Live reviews of any place and product will deeply influence it though
- Promos by brands and retailers will have big success for last minute deals
- Talking to shops and restaurants via Twitter will become standard
and will get opt in coupons as we enter a shop, based on location - Web will be a fraction of mobile use
- Dating over Status updates won’t be big
- Twitter won’t display ads in your main feed
- Users will get too angry at unsolicited ads
- Other revenue opportunities such as pro accounts for businesses will be enough
- There will be more devices publishing updates than humans
wifi scale, planes, trains, cars all posting updates - Corporations will have entire teams devoted to Twitter and status updates
- Hyperlocal news sites with Twitter geotagging feature
(thanks, @stevefarnworth) - Google and Bing will be the dominant ways to search Twitter
- Google will have its own Twitter and won’t acquire Twitter
- There will be a few alternatives for niche search such as brand monitoring
- Internal Enterprise Twitter like services will become standard
- Vertical Twitter apps will start to appear
- Stocktweets is the first one
- Twitter will remain mostly used outside of Twitter.com
- Language will evolve adapting to 140char, concise, ignore rules (thanks, @bernard_d)
- @mentions spam will grow and become a tough to solve issue
- There will be less and less bullshit in public events and in general
It will always be about you, not the tools
These 34 predictions are from Loic’s blog